Major Differences

     In the movie there is a scene that shows the press secretary giving a press briefing. The movie shows the press secretary Ari Fleischer not being able to answer the presses questions without stammering or stuttering. This part of the movie is not true when Ari Fleischer addressed the press on July 14, 2003 he was able to answer every question the press had for him clearly and quickly. The reasoning for the differences are unclear; however, it is safe to assume that this is a very liberal point of view. By having the Press Secretary stuttering and not being able to answer the press’ questions it is framing the Bush Administration as incompetent. 

In watching the voice over documentary of Fair Game, Joe Wilson comments about the scene above. He says that when they were in the conference room meeting about Joe's assignment to Niger, two men; one being him, expressed their disapproval of the trip. Both men claimed that there was nothing to find in Niger. In the movie, this objection by the two men is not portrayed. It looks as if Joe agrees happily to go to Niger to investigate. What isn't shown in the movie is that he really saw no purpose for the trip, hence his following article “What I Didn’t Find in Africa”.

            In the clip above it shows Joe Wilson in Niger, turning on the faucet and the water coming out black as coffee. When fact-checking this according to Joe Wilson's account included on the documentary voice-over, "For the record the water is actually better than is portrayed in this scene there, having lived there for 2 years and having traveled there for 30 years."

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